Determine your profit by product and supplier. Product and Supplier Profitability allows you to identify the true costs associated with your products.
It does this by considering initial costs (purchase, transport, receiving, and reject), on-going costs (storage, overheads), as well as finance and customer return costs.
Calculations are presented in both Form and Table view for effective display. Supplier/Product profiles are created in Form view and cost analysis by unit and profile applied.
Sensitivity functions allow you to test variations for Stockturn and Customer Returns. Each profile can be saved to the Table view providing a database of profiles with Sub Totals by supplier and calculations for the Total Business.
A Template feature allows you to set up standard profiles. This software is suitable for all resale business operations regardless of size. It allows you to build a complete product/supplier database with a cost breakdown and analysis for each profile, each supplier and the Total Business.
From this you can critically compare suppliers and products to determine true profit contributions. Quantity: The Number of Licenses you purchase is the maximum Number of Users and the maximum Number of Computer Systems the purchased software can be installed on or that can access the software if on a network.
License Type: Non-Commercial Licenses are for private and internal business use only. They do not cover the commercial use of software for inter-business support, advice, or consulting.
Commercial Licenses allow you to use your software for inter-business support, advice, or consulting. This license type is generally suitable for Accountants, Consultants, Valuers, Realtors and other professionals providing a service to their clients.
Download Product and Supplier Profitability Excel 20 in Softonic